Bodgers Bricks and Babies

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Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Great Falls

Considering it was such a beautiful summer day (one of the last potentially) we decided to take a family trip to Great Falls Va, and watch the rushing water, and see how high the water table was and how fast the water was rushing after all the wet weather we had.
Two was one of the most excited to be out and about, and she struck a familiar pose (one that she's struck from Mt. Rose, to Great Falls, meaning, much like Jed's "distant stare" from the mid-90's to late 2000's she too has made the same face from coast to coast!).

The scenery was grand, and everything was wet and green. Here is a second little falls that we dubbed "Little Falls" right near great falls.

So much water still running down the streams from the recent heavy weather activity.

The falls were almost not even "falling" because there was so much water in the river. Typically that is a 75-90 foot drop, and with all the water in the river, it just looked like a rapid. CRAZY FULL!

Imogen got the luxury position of riding on Jed's back, while two (unfortunately leashed) lead the way for seeking out gold and treasures within the falls park. (none were found).

Dilly had a safe and secure spot nestled up against Tiffany's chest. So, while dilly enjoyed the outdoors, she basically slept for the whole hike. Nice work if you can get it.

After the hike, we sat on the tailgate and had a snack. Imogen showed off her sweaty hairdo. Que bonita!

Jed got to hang out with all of his girls that day. Who'd of thunk that he would one day be so surrounded by girls and love it so much (ah who are we kidding, we always knew that he'd love being surrounding by girls the big softie)

Undaunted explorers ready for any obstacle that befalls them.

Such a nice day.

After the hike, it was time to pack everyone up and head home. All aboard their car seats (aka their mobile napping stations)

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