Bodgers Bricks and Babies

My photo
Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Friday, November 20, 2009

All about Imogen

This isn't so much a post as it is pictures of Iggy. Enjoy!

Week one - Complete!

ImHi all,
well, week one of Imogen Rose Bodger's life is in the books and it was a good one. To start off, the oregon ducks hammered the arizona state sun-devils and ... just kidding, no sports stuff here, this is all about Iggy!

Imogen left the hospital with her parents on Monday (11/16/2009)

only to come home to a loving uncle, Uncle Ryan, who had done up a mural for Imogen (we'll forgive the spelling errors, for now)

then, Grandma BB came from Nevada to meet Iggy, and boy was she impressed with what she saw!

Next up, Uncle Bobby and Noni (aka grandma linda, aka the shakezilla, aka abuela, aka DJ
Funky G-Ma, etc.) all come out for visits. Pictures to follow!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hello World!

Hello all, Tiffany and I are super pleased to introduce you all to Imogen Rose Bodger. She came into this world Saturday, November 14, 2009. She weighed in at 7 lbs. 11 oz, and was 2o and 1/4 inches long. Tiffany is recovering nicely after 50+ hours of labor. All in all, we couldn't be happier. Thank you all for your kind wishes and warm thoughts. And now to the good stuff, pics of our little Iggy!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Birthday Pool

Successful doctor's visit today. Tiffany is 1 cm dilated and 30-40% effaced. With that in mind, we're starting a birthday pool. Pick a date, any date, when Jambi will arrive (Preferably one that someone else has not picked). List your date in the comments and the winner will get to be Jambi's god parent.

God Parent Job Description: To be determined upon higher enlightenment.

(to vote post a comment in the comments section - if you are thwarted by the comments, send an email to Jed - or Tiffany - with the subject line "Birthday Pool")