Bodgers Bricks and Babies

My photo
Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Monday, August 31, 2009


So, this week we are taking reader submissions for names. Please post your suggested name as a comment to this thread, or email it to tiffany at

Rules: No rules, just submit a name that you like and that you’d like to see little Jambi saddled with for the rest of her life. (umlauts “ΓΌ” and apostrophes always welcome!)

Next, Tiffany and I will take those names and narrow them down, and next week we’ll post a reader poll where you all can vote on the reader suggested name you like the best, and we’ll consider that name in the final naming list.

Pretty exciting huh! Now get to naming!

Weekly Roundup

Well, last week was a great week in the bodger house. We went to a fabulous housewarming party for some friends on Saturday, hung out with Bruce and Allison and the rest of the Curnards on Sunday, attended the Redskins v. Patriots game on friday, so tons of fun. However, the bigger and better part of the last week was when we got picturs of the little girl!

We went to our 28 week doctor appointment (can you believe that, 28 weeks!) and had another ultrasound, and the lab tech just kicked it into high gear and printed out 3-D pics of Jambi! So, enjoy.

Love jed and tiff

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Weekend Update

This past weekend, my mom was in town to visit. It's been about one year since her last trip East and she wanted to see our progress on the house, make sure the nursery was coming along, and offer all sorts of helpful motherly advise! She was a HUGE help: weeding the garden that I've been meaning to do for the past month but have put off b/c of our terrible mosquitoe problem, helping in making drapes for our living room, and just being around. Here are a few pics around the house of my mom advising on garden matters, and hanging out.
Notice the chairs that Ryan is sitting on. We're hoping to revampt them (maybe repaint and recover them). Any ideas would be great. Hopefully my mom will forward some of the photos she took while we were at the Shenandoah National Park and we'll be sure to post them...

Belly Watch 2009!!!

Week 26 and counting. As you can see the belly is fully out there and I'm starting to enjoy the perks of the noticable belly. (i.e. I haven't had to stand on the bus for the past two weeks and restaurants seemingly open their bathroom doors when they see me coming through the front door with that desperate look in my eyes). The 28th week appointment is next Friday and we'll get to see Jambi again through the ultrasound images. Hopefully all is well and I'll be taken off pelvic rest for the duration of the pregnancy!! (Fingers crossed).

Friday, August 7, 2009

624 Come Alive: The Dining Room

And we're back!

So, for this week's installment of 624 Come Alive, we'll look at the dining room. The before is basically the same as the before below for the living room, so I didn't include it (so sue me). As you can see we went with a nice lime green (go ducks) and remade the entire space. We built in a hutch (almost done, I swear) and moved in age appropriate furniture. This room turned out really well, and will hopefully be the site for numerous home cooked meals from here on out! Have a great day everyone!

-Jed and Tiff