Bodgers Bricks and Babies

My photo
Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dilly Turns 7 Months Old

Recently we had the pleasure of sharing yet another one of Dilly's month-i-versaries with her. The girls were out and so proud, just ask Eleanor Roosevelt.

Eleanor looks salty doesn't she?!

Jed went for a run from our house to the Roosevelt memorial with the Two and met all the girls with Eleanor.

Everyone loved the bright morning sun, and the crisp morning air.

Especially Eleanor.

I hate this picture. Just sayin. But, Tiffany loves it.

Here's Dilly on the good FDR's lap. Side note, I learned earlier this year that my grandmother, Granu, and my grandfather were not big fans of FDR. Like, really hated him. Who knew?!

Dilly, on the other hand, was a fan of the president.

She even enjoyed sitting with his little pooch.

See, what did i tell you.

And again.

Imogen was a little less sold on the whole trip.

Same with Jed.

But he was happy to hold his little girl.

Dilly and Iggy got in the bread line with the others for this depression era photo.

Dilly did great to stand in line herself. Just look at how happy she is to be in the front of the line, while the others all look miserable!

hahaha ... FIRST!

She even got to ride on the President's wheelchair!

Happy 7 months Cordelia; they have been so much fun.

love dad and mom.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


On November 14, 2011, our dear not so little Imogen officially turned 2. We can't believe how fast time has flown. Imogen remains the same fiercely independent, and free spirited force. Her smile can charm anyone and her ever present energy challenges our stamina daily. She's is a girl on the move and her parents are lucky to keep up to see what life has in store for this special little individual. Happy birthday, Sweet Pea. Know that you are loved so much and always.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Imogen's First Feild Trip - Big Girl Style

We sadly said good-bye to our dear nanny Yolanda about three weeks ago and, thereafter, Imogen and Dilly started at daycare. On the second day of Imogen's daycare experience, her class headed to Cox Farms for a field trip. Imogen and I had a great day getting to know her new friends, petting goats, going on hayrides, and sliding down the various giant slides.

Imogen LOVED the bus although she was all business here and listened to all the do's and don'ts like a big girl.

She was not so sure about the slides at first. But by the end of the day, we conquered the large, bumpy slide with zeal.

On the weirdest hayride ever. People who have been to Cox Farms know what I'm talking about...

Hanging with the goats.

During her first day of school, she apparently learned that her milk comes from cows and that Dilly's milk comes from mommy's boobies. Nice.

Enjoying a little picnic.

Passed out five minutes after pulling away from the farm's parking lot.