Bodgers Bricks and Babies

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Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bracket Fun

So, in honor of march Madness, we are going to be doing our own bracket. A modified bracket. this week we are going to take the top vote getters and next week we will rank them and put them together in a bracket. So, this week, in the comment section, leave us a comment indicating your favorite post on the blog (mine is a tie between halloween costume fun - the Two, and 12 month monument). So pick your favorites of all time on this blog, let us know, and come back next week for some bracket fun, and we'll crown a champion post over the past two years!


  1. Ok - I love any of the posts with Imogen in a tutu. I love the playground one in the Roots cap. I love the one of Gramma BB holding her at the beach and probably my fav and sweetest is Imogen and Jed in the bedroom on the Star Wars sheets. Is this good for voting. Sorry I don't get the bracket stuff. Maybe Beth can explain it. lol

  2. I agree with Linda, as marvelous as I looked at the beach with Miss Imogen, I have to give it to Jed, Imogen and the Star Wars sheet.
    love mom/grandma BB

  3. Ok after spending much time reviewing most of
    the posts - its been tough to narrow it down
    but her goes- Iggy and her leprechan tutu/
    Jed and Iggy in the bedroom on the Star Wars sheets and Iggy with her spring dress showing off her beautiful smile ( bedroom shoot ) :-)
    Love grandma Lulu
