Bodgers Bricks and Babies

My photo
Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Monday, May 23, 2011


And never to be outdone by her little sister, Imogen has been a blast these last two weeks that Dilly has joined our family. Imogen LOVED having Grandma BB visit. We couldn't have survived that first week without you BB. Thanks so much for all your love, support, and help!!!

Iggy loving a little Sesame Street.

We headed to old town Alexandria to look at the fun shops, the Torpedo Factory, and have a little ice cream. Everything is better with ice cream.

Sunglasses - Check. Colar popped - Check. Headband - Check. Calculator-turned-"phone" - Check. Knee high socks - Check. All sorts of fabulousness - Double Check.

Playing with BB's hair. This girl needs some hair herself so she can use the clips that Grandma BB left.

We ventured out to the zoo to watch the panda bears eat their lunch and the monkeys swing on their toys....

Snack break!

Hanging with her friend Anais.

Swim lessons with BB.

I'm simply fabulous!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


After much worry and anticipation on our parts, the sisters met each other for the first time a day after Dilly was born and Imogen was fantastic. She had the perfect amount of curiosity and indifference. Imogen has been a great big sister ever since, bringing "baby d" blankets and the boppy when she is nursing and doing periodic taste tests to make sure that Dilly's pacifier tastes alright before shoving it back into the baby's mouth.

My favorite sister moments are found while they are both in their car seats and Imogen reaches into Dilly's car seat to hold her hand. It's so sweet.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Cordelia June Bodger

Cordelia (Dilly) June Bodger was born on May 5, 2011. She listened to her dad and waited to make her debut until Cinco de Mayo (i.e. future birthday parties to be filled with pinatas, tecate, and churros. Ole!). She fooled all the doctors and nurses into thinking she was a wee little one and weighed in at a hefty 8 lbs, 11 oz. (a full pound more than Iggy) and was 21 inches long. She immediately asserted herself with her loud cries and we have enjoyed discovering the differences between Iggy and Dilly. They are both such different personalities.

Despite her size, labor and delivery were relatively easy for Tiff and we have settled (as much as you can with a newborn and 18th month old) into life as a family of four. Here are some pictures of her first two weeks.

First snuggles with Dad.

Dilly with a yellowish tint to her. Damn you, jaundice.
Dilly and her going home outfit. Clearly ready to get the "f out of dodge."
Dad was ready as well.
Final work-up before getting her discharge papers.
Tired baby
Baby toes.

Aunt Linda's fabulous hat and bunting. Dilly loves to wear them and Imogen loves to try both pieces on.
A typical Dilly face (translation - FEED ME).

A little double chin action.

Dad and Dilly. We've heard that 2011 is the year of the hairy baby. Where the hell did she get all that brown hair?!?!

Spastic baby movements and noises
All in all, welcome to the world dilly-dactyl!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 1, 2011

Busy weekend for the Bodgers.

Amanda came down to visit us on Friday and we headed to the Nats/Giants game. Imogen instantly warmed up to Amanda and they became fast friends (Iggy cried a little when she watched Amanda drive away). Thanks for making the trip!

After Amanda left, we headed to Iggy's first swim lesson. It was touch and go for a bit as Imogen was not excited to be in the water. But after she got used to the pool and the noise of the other kiddos, she ended up loving it. She especially loved "jumping" into the water after singing Humpty Dumpty.

We then braved the wet weather and headed to the Sweetlife Music Festival.

Iggy couldn't wait to get to the concert.

Random lady we had to take a picture of as she was rollerskating around the track with her stroller. It was awesome.