A few months ago while at REI, Jed bought this great kite that is supposed to fly when there is hardly a breath of air. On countless occassions, we have tried to fly the damn thing but to no avail. So, we thought we try our luck at this annual Cherry Blossom Kity Festival which took place on the National Mall. Sadly, we didn't have any better luck getting that kite to fly.

But, as a last minute purchase one day, Jed also bought a $3 kite at Target. And with hardly a breeze in the air, that kite flew. Go figure.

But, as a last minute purchase one day, Jed also bought a $3 kite at Target. And with hardly a breeze in the air, that kite flew. Go figure.
We called the guy flying this kite the showoff becuase he was able to get this huge kite to fly when absolutely no one else could. It was impressive and incredibly aggravating.

After we were done with the kites, we strolled over to the Tidal Basin to see the last remaining cherry blossoms and feed the ducks.

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