In honor of Zombie Jesus day, we colored eggs (the traditional weapon against zombie jesus - he can't deal with the yolk!)
Imogen was great at doing artsy eggs, and tiff was great at doing artsy photos!
The morning of Zombie Jesus day Jed and Imogen awoke to find their zombie defense kits stocked with all kinds of goodies (it's common knowledge that zombies don't like colorful baskets filled with colored eggs, candy treats, and toys of all varieties)
She has the look of a strong zombie killing warrior.
Then we took imogen out into the yard to hunt for tools against zombie Jesus that had been hidden throughout the yard. She was so good at finding them and placing them in her zombie defense kit. I couldn't have been more proud.
She scaled the highest trees, to the highest heights to retrieve weapons against zombie jesus shouting "I'm ready for you" the whole time. Solid effort.
A zombie defense kit full of zombie fighting eggs.
even though it was a battle tool, one has to look good while doing it, so Iggy would carry her zombie defense kit as if it were the newest couture purse on a Paris runway. "That Iggy, she's so hot right now."
Preparing for the battle.
Happy Easter (or as Jed calls it Happy Zombie Jesus Day!)!!!
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