Yes, I know the posting date of this will be just short of Dilly's 6 month photo-shoot, but we wanted to get this one in nonetheless!

Here are Imogen and Jed walking through the Jefferson memorial, the site of Cordelia's 5 month photo shoot.

Tiffany's new favorite picture, and I cannot tell you why.

Its one of a series.
Tiffany and Dilly on Dilly's big day.

Tiffany and Cordelia sharing a moment in front of President Jefferson.

Jed and Dilly geting a little face time with the president as well.

Without further ado, the 5 month monument shot!
(we are getting so good at these!)
Lookin so regal on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial. (Yeah, she sits up by her self now!)

Looking across the tidal basin on a lovely fall morning.

The washington monument off in the distance (since the reflecting pool in front of lincoln is being repaired, this is the best reflecting pool in DC).

Iggy UP?!
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