Bodgers Bricks and Babies

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Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Auntie Rach and Dewey Beach

div>Auntie Rach was in town recently, and we had a ton of fun hanging out with her, and introducing her to Cordelia.

Tiffany and Rachel posed for an impromptu picture for Grandma BB at the Potomac Yards park.

Dad and Imogen played in the water at the park.

Dilly didn't get to go into the water, but she seemed to be enjoying herself nonetheless.

While Auntie Rach was out, we decided to take a short trip to the Delaware beaches. We settled on Dewey beach for a couple of days. Good fun in the sand and the waves.

The local talent was impressive.

Auntie Wee-Wee came too. But she got her own post, so we'll move on!

Everyone enjoyed playing in the sand, and making sand castles and cities. Rachel was a phenomenal urban planner in the sand.

Auntie Wee-Wee took care of Dilly while the rest of us played in the waves. (side note, what's up with the moustache in this picture?! DAMN YOU SHADOWS!!!)

Added only because there were no other pictures of us in the water.

Auntie Rach planning her new high rise development in the sandy shoals area of the beach community.

We tried, but Iggy was not a huge fan of the water. The waves were a little scary, which is funny, because the only thing that we can get her to say, and to get excited about typically is "agua" or any form of swimming.

We had some fabulous Mexican food, and the girls enjoyed the patio dining.

Tiffany and Irene with Imogen. Cute picture. Have I mentioned how cute Tiffany's new hairdo is?!

Amazingly, this is Auntie Wee-Wee's "cute" face.

Imogen loved roaming the boardwalk by herself. Much like grandma BB used to make Jed do when he was a kid...until he would go to the police crying.

Auntie Rach tried to keep up, but Imogen wanted to simply roam on her own. What can I say, she's independent.

Iggy loved the coin operated rides. Tiffany loved the ice cream.

Choooo Choooo!!!


That's better.

After a long night for the aunts, we had a nice little family morning on the beach. (i.e. they were too hungover to join in the festivities)

(this might be the same picture twice.) Who edits this blog?!

Someone is ready for their grandparents to buy her a beach house. Just sayin.

Even Two loved the beach! (dogs allowed before nine, and after five!)

She was spiritly like a puppy, even though she's almost 9 years old!

And this would be the hangover mentioned above.

There was so much fun to be had at the beach that it knocked out the little girl.

Poor Rach was in DC during the worst part of this summer...thus far. With the terrible humidity, the heat index registered at over 120 degrees - yeah, you read that right. So, Tiff took the girls and Rach to the National Arboretum to nerd out with plants.

These columns were not particularly planty but still cool and random.

Rach didn't play by the rules and snuck out of the car to pick some hydrangeas. Bad Rachel Bad.

Looks at that devilish grin... She's trouble.

Later that day Iggy and Auntie Rach tried to beat the heat in the kiddie pool. Iggy was hanging onto every word Auntie Rach uttered.

We decided a little indoor fun was necessary later that day. So, we went to the H Street Country Club for some indoor mini golf and tasty morsels.

Iggy wasn't too sure about hitting a ball with a stick. She was more hands on and liked to try and throw the ball into the hole.

The night was exhausting for both Iggy and Dilly....and Tiff.

All in all, it was a great time at the beach! We can't wait to go back again, or to have Auntie Rach back in town to enjoy the girls!

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