Look at this family. Too freaking cute. Well, if you cut dad out of the picture, and have little cordelia with her back to the photo and a hat on, and if Iggy has three fingers in her mouth, and mom is cut off in the frame ... ok, well, it's a family that tries, and is much cuter in person!
In this post we shall address the first month of life of Cordelia June Bodger. As we did with the previous child, we will be going to local monuments each month to record her growth, and track all that is happening in her life. This month (much like Imogen's first month) we headed to the US Capitol. Not a monument, per se, but our favorite buliding in the city.
Here's a good picture of the family, except that Jed's fat head is blocking the view of the Capitol. Strike one.
Here's another picture of hte family, except that Jed forgot to zoom out the camera before he tried to take the picture. Strike 2.
Here's Tiffany and Dilly. A hit!
Photobombing a quincenieria (sp?). So, for those of you that don't know what photo-bombing is, you find some other group of people taking what you think are outrageously hilarious pictures, and you try to get into the photo, and record a photo for yourself. Here we are trying to photo bomb the pink dress and white tux. Awesome.
Jed and iggy photobombing!
Best of the bunch.
Two is really the most photogenic of the whole family. Bitch.
Iggy, screaming, and holding up the capitol. YAY!~ Ugh.
Dilly screaming at the Capitol. YAY!~ Ugh.
So, that was our day at the Capitol tracking the progress of our growing family. Below are some random videos to check out at your lesiure. Enjoy!
love jed, tiff, imogen, and cordelia.
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