Recently as a family we embarked on quite the adventure. We left the heat and humidity of Washington D.C. and headed first to a Washington of a different sort ... Washington State. There we spent a day and a night in Seattle, where we walked around downtown, saw some old friends, spent the night with Uncle Shannon, Aunt Sunshine and cousin Oskar, and had a really, really nice time all around. The great northwest truly is GREAT!
"I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again!"
Once we got to seattle, we had a wonderful afternoon / evening picnic in Sunshine and Shannon's backyard. The Lovejoys came by with their three beautiful daughters, Sophie, Elena, and Flora. And Jack and Katie were lovely as always.
Flora was the star of the night, and she gobbled up salsa by the chipful. You go girl!
Katie with Imogen on lap, and Flora standing guard.
Sophie was quite the good little gymnast on the jungle gym.
Elena was pretty good on the jungle gym too!

It was great to catch up with Jack and Katie, and meet Flora.
Imogen had a good time too. Just in case you were wondering!
This is Bailey. For those of you that don't know Bailey, he has been in the bodger / mckee / stevens family for a long time. Wilbur started his training, and Sunshine, Shannon, and Oskar have rounded out his life with love and more love. Bailey is a great dog. Can you believe he's 16 years old. WOW.
On our way out of Seattle, we stopped at Archie McPhee's. If you don't know what it is, you need to learn about it. PURE AWESOMENESS!
Each of us are distracted by various shiny new objects, both in different directions. that's how much good stuff Archie McPhee's has!
Speaking of good stuff. Check out this corn dog t-shirt. Awesome.
Well Seattle was great, but we then headed to Port Townsend to see Papa John and Grandma Selden. See ya next post in Port Townsend!
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