Bodgers Bricks and Babies

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Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Lulu and Pops Come to Visit

We have had a great summer this far and are very delinquent in posting anything new. So in the next few days/weeks, we will rolling out many new posts and pictures of our summer.

To start things out, we thought we'd post some pictures of Lulu and Pops (Linda and Rich) when they came to visit DC. It was awesome to have them here although they couldn't have come at a hotter time in the year (heat indexes about 100 degrees almost the entire week). We hung out, went to the beach, tasted some wine and watched some Twilight Polo, saw the Marine Sunset Parade at Iwo Jima, and swam at their hotel pool. All in all, we had a great time and Imogen loved hanging with her grandparents.

At the Chrysalis Winery in VA, enjoying some cooler temperatures, the wine, and the scenery:

Trying everything and everywhere we could think of to beat the heat, we headed to the nearest bay beach to DC. Iggy as usual loved the water. And, then we headed to Annapolis for some window shopping and cold bevies. I know I have other photos of the day, but here are a few of Iggy to wet your whistle:

We also cooled off at the Gaylord Hotel, once my parents checked in for his convention. The hotel is located at the National Harbor where the Awakening statue now resides. The harbor is also home to the national Peeps store:

We even took in our first polo match just outside Middleburg, VA. It was a ton of fun, and a ton cooler in the country:

Lulu and Iggy chillin'

Utter exhaustion:

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