Bodgers Bricks and Babies

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Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


With the passing of Iggy's momentous six month birthday, we decided a post on Imogen's "firsts" would be fun.

First time she wished everyone a merry christmas.

First time she found her fingers

First time she rolled over from her tummy to back sometime in January (not the greatest video by any stretch of the imagination!).

First time she rolled over from back to front sometime in March.

Bouncing in her exer-saucer.

Sitting up by herself for an extended period of time (and being very excited about all the clothes on her changing table. Do I sense a diva in our midst?).

First time she tried solids. She hated the plain rice cereal.

She definitely preferred the taste of the pears.

Among the first times that Iggy decided to start traveling (backwards).

First time eating homemade baby food. She was not a huge fan of the green beans.



  1. These are great. I love the clothes diva one. She was definitely looking for just the right outfit. The videos are so fun!

  2. These are AWESOME. I am so sad that I live in the same metro area and I do not get to see Iggy in action as much as I should!
