We celebrated our first Christmas as a family this year in Washington, D.C. Santa as well as family and friends were very generous to the little one. To make our day a little brighter, we were able to share the morning with Uncle Ryan and lucky enough to have a white Christmas. It was definitely a great day.
To start off our day, Iggy serenaded us on Christmas Eve. Check out the attached video below.
Tiffany and Iggy got comfy before opening Santa's gifts

Imogen had a cutie-pie Christmas outfit highlighting Santa's involvement
Tiffany helped the Two open her presents (poor two in that hat! Such a good dog!)
Two was finally able to enjoy some elf-hat-less time to devour her rawhide candy cane. (note the only thing left of the cane is the red twine.) Good work, Two.
Jed got a Ducks t-shirt for the rose bowl, the granddaddy of them all!

Jed sporting some Duck gear and Christmas p.j.'s while talking to his dad. Looking good.

Speaking of holiday pajamas, Santa's helper misread the label of the holiday pajamas when out shopping and when returning them could not find the proper size, so we improvised with the holiday pants. The little stocking actually came in handy as it perfectly holds Ryan's cell phone. Oh, snap.
Ry getting in on the stocking fun.
Imogen got a book about breasts, which tiffany loved!
Two kept Iggy company when she slept off the excitement
Mom and Imogen sharing a little moment by the tree after all the presents were opened!
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