Bodgers Bricks and Babies

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Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Monday, September 28, 2009

"heck yeah we can chat on the internets with live pictures, it's call science, learn about it, in a book!"

God bless the interweb! So, yesterday we tested out a pilot program that we will be starting up in the coming weeks, namely, the "heck yeah we can chat on the internets with live pictures, it's call science, learn about it, in a book!" Its simple, video chat, sunday evenings (afternoon on the west coast). Yesterday we tested it with Andy and Beth, (Rachel had an emergency and couldn't make it - and all the Rose kids were in our house, so they didn't need to join in). With that in mind, just leave a post (or email me if you can't figure that out) and let me know if you want to get in on the weekly live video conference, and we'll make sure you are on the invite list!

Had a great week with Irene, tiffany will be updating later and posting pics! Have a great week everyone!

Later skaters!

1 comment:

  1. Your Mom told me about the video chat. She really liked it. Course I don't know if she realized you were going to put that lovely pic of her on your site. Actually tho I can see the brotherly resemblance between you and Andy when you put your pics together like that.
    I actually just got skype hooked up on my new mac and can do the skype video thing. Is that what you use.
    I love your blog. I was inspired to do my own on iweb. Fun. I even played w/a podcast and put music behind it. The music is just little snipitts of the samples they had. Fun anyway. Glad everything is going so great. I'd love to get in on your video on Sundays. I know this Sunday I'll be gone but tell me how and I'll check it out the next Sunday.
    Take care.
