Bodgers Bricks and Babies

My photo
Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Da Sistas

Here on the blog we focus a lot on each of the girls individually, and on the visitors to the Nation's capital. Today, we are going to focus on Imogen and Cordelia as a pair.

This picture I think fortells a lot of what the rest of their lives will be like. Imogen thinks she's helping. Cordelia is clearly protesting. Are they fighting, are they making up? Only time will tell.

The calm after the storm.

My favorite picture. I want them both to yell "WINNING"

What are you looking at?

Get that camera out of here, we're just haning. Trying to take an extended nap in mom and dad's bed. Duh.

Imogen thought that it would be nice to get down to Dilly's level, and play with her toys with her. That's very nice of Iggy, very accomodating.

Well, here it is, the start of a beautiful friendship. Here's to hoping that the amicable relationship remains!

Monday, July 25, 2011


After Grandma BB and Grandpa John came out, our next visitor was Grandma Lulu.

We had a fantastic time with Grandma Lulu, and she had a great time reading to imogen and doing all sorts of chores with Dilly.

while she was here, we went to the Yards Park, DC

Where we walked around and looked at the big war ships out in the river, as well as explored the walks.

But Imogen's favorite was playing in the water feature at the park.

Yards park has a water fall, a wading pool, and fountains.

None of which Dilly got to play in (sad clown).

Dad and Iggy got to run around in the water

Iggy tested her ability to run in and out of fountains (with dad cornered by the water)

Jed and Tiffany got a little bit of time in the sun

Dilly took a little nap

After a great day at the Yards park, we attended the Folklife Festival on the national mall. It's put on by the Smithsonian and celebrates various aspects of life through american culter, those that are truly "american" and those that are mulit-cultural and make america such an interesting place to live.

The carousel is not actually part of the festival, but it's in the Mall, and definately makes life interesting.

Grandma Lulu and Imogen both got their own horses to ride. Giddy' UP!

Here we are at the blues section of the folk life festival.

Everyone got to dane out their blues. It was a ton of fun.

Grandam Lulu, Tiffany, Imogen, and Dilly all spent the day at Lake Anna, VA

Although the weather did not cooperate, as there was a storm on the horizon, and they were not permitted in the water because of lightning.

The closest Iggy got to the water due to looming thunderstorms.

So, to make up for not getting into the water, the girls all headed to Gunpowder Falls State Park, MD

Here, they were able to get into the water, and everyone got to enjoy a day on the beach.

Back at home, Grandma Lulu got to enjoy some downtime with her newest granddaughter.


Dilly's First Pool Experience at the Lincoln Cappers Pool - Success

Dilly was able to get into the pool near our house. She tolerated, but Imogen is still our little water baby.

Iggy will not be kept out of the water, even when it is above her mouth/nose line.

Three generation of Rose women (now bodgers). Such a great picture.

BB and Grampa John

I can't tell you why this is the lead picture to this post, but Tiffany loves it. SO here goes.

This summer has seen a number of visitors, recently we had Grandma BB and Grandpa John (not to be confused with Grandpa Holmes) come out for a short visit. The US Open was being played as Congressional Country Club here and Grandpa John, a golf fanatic, came out to partake in the festivities.

Before sneaking away we were able to get to the American Art Museum for a little fun. We walked all through the museum, down the mall, and had a rollicking good time with the six of us (yeah ... six ... let that sink in).

Dilly was cute and playful

Grandma BB and Imogen shared a little ice cream

Or was it Gelato?

Either way, Imogen got her fair share, and was spoiled rotten by Grandma BB (and that's just how we like it!). Thanks for making the long trip east, it was great to see everyone, and the golf was great too (sorry no pics).

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Iggmeister

Never one to be outdone, since Dilly got her own post, Imogen gets one too.

Our big girl is such a cowgirl, or as grandpa holmes would say, "all boot, no cowboy."

She's so active all the time, that when she gets a moment to sit, she ZONKS out. It's exhausting being awesome. Just ask Jed.

Someone is learning how to go potty like a big girl. Here, we're making pee pee in the potty.

Here she is enjoying a book on the potty while making a poop. Such fun.

Just chilling with cousin Kari and little sis at Tio Bruce's house.

Big girls sit in big chairs. BIG chairs.

Fun girls know how to swing at the bar, like in Mexico.

Reading can be fun too. It's one of Iggy's favorite pastimes.

Here she is Being her own photographer

She is the artist that captured all of these candids.

when there is a new baby in the house, it's fun to feed your own baby like dilly eats. That's right, here is Iggy "feeding" her baby, straight from the teat.

Such a cutie, she makes her mom and dad feel pretty lucky most days. Thanks Imogen, we love you!