Cordelia (Dilly) June Bodger was born on May 5, 2011. She listened to her dad and waited to make her debut until Cinco de Mayo (i.e. future birthday parties to be filled with pinatas, tecate, and churros. Ole!). She fooled all the doctors and nurses into thinking she was a wee little one and weighed in at a hefty 8 lbs, 11 oz. (a full pound more than Iggy) and was 21 inches long. She immediately asserted herself with her loud cries and we have enjoyed discovering the differences between Iggy and Dilly. They are both such different personalities.
Despite her size, labor and delivery were relatively easy for Tiff and we have settled (as much as you can with a newborn and 18th month old) into life as a family of four. Here are some pictures of her first two weeks.
First snuggles with Dad.

Dilly with a yellowish tint to her. Damn you, jaundice.

Dilly and her going home outfit. Clearly ready to get the "f out of dodge."
Dad was ready as well.

Final work-up before getting her discharge papers.

Tired baby

Baby toes.

Aunt Linda's fabulous hat and bunting. Dilly loves to wear them and Imogen loves to try both pieces on.

A typical Dilly face (translation - FEED ME).
A little double chin action.

Dad and Dilly. We've heard that 2011 is the year of the hairy baby. Where the hell did she get all that brown hair?!?!

Spastic baby movements and noises
All in all, welcome to the world dilly-dactyl!