Bodgers Bricks and Babies

My photo
Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Monday, March 28, 2011


So, in honor of March Madness and the final four, we are doing our own final four: the Final Four of the Best Blog Posts. Without further Ado, here is the bracket -

As you can see, the number one overall seed is "Happy Father's Day!!!" from June of 2010, but there is a field of strong contenders, with "Walk, Slide, Read" and "Birthday Time" both from November 2010, and the dark horse of "Happy St. Patrick's Day!" from March 2010. Post a comment on this post for each matchup - the winner of each matchup will go head to head next week for title of "Post of the Year + (since we are going like almost 2 years of posts now!).

Thanks for reading, and we look forward to future posts (some coming up very soon!).

love jed, tiff, and imogen.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bracket Fun

So, in honor of march Madness, we are going to be doing our own bracket. A modified bracket. this week we are going to take the top vote getters and next week we will rank them and put them together in a bracket. So, this week, in the comment section, leave us a comment indicating your favorite post on the blog (mine is a tie between halloween costume fun - the Two, and 12 month monument). So pick your favorites of all time on this blog, let us know, and come back next week for some bracket fun, and we'll crown a champion post over the past two years!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Playground Fun

We love the playgrounds around our neighborhood!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Newer Stuff

So ... life just keeps on truckin'. Seemingly without noticing, our little girl has gotten big, fun, and maybe not even a little girl any more. Dare I say, she's a big girl.

Here's our big girl sitting in her rocker reading her books. She's an avid reader, focusing her studies on the works of Aristotle, Proust, Shakespeare, and Seuss (with a heavier emphasis on the last!)

Imogen loves to go out with her purse. It is so fancy. (it's actually tiffany's diaper bag, but Ms. Imogen loves it so much!)

Imogen loves to run around the museums in town. Here she is running around the portrait gallery.

We found these masks when we were shopping one day. How awesome are these?

Walking to Union Station.

Riding the dinosaur down our block

Playing cowboys and indians (Native Americans) in our too small smock

And playing with Play-doh (which has become a little bit of a favorite lately - but in pink!)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nanny Share Friends

This is Imogen. This is Anais. They are friends. They spend every waking moment together (during working hours on federal work days).

From looking outside the window to see what is going on in the world around them.

to running around they house. They are great friends, and they keep everyone on their toes. Such fun, both of them are so cute and so much fun.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Capitals on Chinese New Year

On Chineese new year we decided to take in a hockey game and a little of the chineese new year festivities in Chinatown.

above is Iggy and Jed enjoying the festivities on one of the frist nice days of the year

The great wall of CHINA(town)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Museum Fun

This post will be short and sweet. Just some videos of Imogen running around the portrait gallery. Tons of fun!
