Bodgers Bricks and Babies

My photo
Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Supper Club Called to Order

A very exclusive club met for the first time last night -- the AC/DC Supper Club (go eaters!). Mike and Nikki came by with delicious appetizers and a fantastic spinach salad.

Sean and Priya came by not only looking very dapper (nice "old el paso" tie Sean!) but bringing by a delicious pasta side dish.

Lastly, Tiffany, Iggy and I hosted, served up some home-brew, appetizers, and some chicken scaloppini for a main dish. All in all it happened just like any good supper club should, we laughed ("I've seen shit that will turn you WHITE!") we may have had one too many cocktails, and we hung out late into the night. All in all it was a great night, and tiffany and I are very much looking forward to the next secret meeting of the AC/DC Supper Club (go eaters!).

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Shooting Hoops with Dad

Not wanting to take the warm weather for granted this weekend, and motivated by the awesome basketball being played during March Madness, Jed took Iggy to the courts across the street from our house and gave her a few pointers.

Jed, left handed, drain-o.

Showing Imogen proper shooting form.

Jed guarding a neighborhood kid while Two does some guarding of her own.

Two tired of guarding. She's such a vicious attack dog.

Iggy not too fond of the new hat Tiff has forced her to wear in the sun.

Imogen's Four Months Old!

The sun came out; the weather warmed up; and we headed for a short walk around Roosevelt Island and to the Teddy Roosevelt Memorial in honor of Iggy's four month bday.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Happy St. Patty's Day everyone.
We're celebrating (or at least hope to) here in D.C.
Hope you have a fantastic day.

Hanging with Jed this morning before he jetted off to the office.

The weather is gorgeous today. Iggy helping Tiff garden...
or at least entertaining herself while her mom does some much needed weeding.

Aunt Linda's Beautiful Blanket

Last week Imogen received a beautiful blanket hand knit by her great Aunt Linda. It's absolutely gorgeous and Iggy just loves it (as you can see). Thanks Aunt Linda for the fantastic treat (and we can't wait for Imogen to grow into the sweater your friend made).

Friday, March 12, 2010

Play Date with Oliver

To help survive the occasional loneliness that accompanies maternity leave and to break up the monotony of feedings, diapers, napping, repeat, my friend Helen and I made a standing date to get together every week since we were on maternity leave at the same time. Helen and I were the pregnant woman at work and became close sharing our preggo experiences during our daily coffee runs (or waddles). I'm so glad we've continued to share our motherhood experiences. Plus, getting out of the house and visiting with someone who is going through the same stuff has been a sanity saver. Here is Iggy and Oliver on their play date.

First Hockey Game

Last week, Imogen experienced her first Caps game. We were concerned with the noise levels as those games can be really loud. We found ear plugs that just mold to the outer ear. They seemed to work as Iggy fell fast asleep during the second period and remained asleep through the crowd going wild when the Caps scored at least one goal. Before she fell asleep she was enthralled with the lights and all the different faces to look at. We'll definitely be venturing to more games as a family soon.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Brunch with Bruce and Alison

While we have seen Bruce and Alison many times since Iggy was born, we realized that we didn't have any pictures of them with the kid. Here are two gems. As always, it was great to see them.

Thanks for inviting us out to see you guys!!!

P.S. Sorry about the driveway!!! We owe you!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Duckpin Bowling

Last weekend we were introduced to the world of Duckpin Bowling. Smaller balls, smaller pins, same sized lane.

Sean looking daper in his glasses and keeping score.

Hanging with the Iggs.

Logan and cutie pa-tootie Carlisle

Imogen and Carlisle just hanging out.

It was a family affair.

Andrew showing Meade how to get it done.

The day of the US v. Canada Olympic gold medal game. Bet you can guess who Jed was cheering for... (not the same team his former aunt linda was cheering for)