Bodgers Bricks and Babies

My photo
Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Imogen's First Feild Trip - Big Girl Style

We sadly said good-bye to our dear nanny Yolanda about three weeks ago and, thereafter, Imogen and Dilly started at daycare. On the second day of Imogen's daycare experience, her class headed to Cox Farms for a field trip. Imogen and I had a great day getting to know her new friends, petting goats, going on hayrides, and sliding down the various giant slides.

Imogen LOVED the bus although she was all business here and listened to all the do's and don'ts like a big girl.

She was not so sure about the slides at first. But by the end of the day, we conquered the large, bumpy slide with zeal.

On the weirdest hayride ever. People who have been to Cox Farms know what I'm talking about...

Hanging with the goats.

During her first day of school, she apparently learned that her milk comes from cows and that Dilly's milk comes from mommy's boobies. Nice.

Enjoying a little picnic.

Passed out five minutes after pulling away from the farm's parking lot.

Volunteer Fun

Our dear neighbor heads up the Sherwood Neighborhood Volunteers group and asked us to stop by to clean up the gardens. Here a few shots of Imogen and Jed getting into the mix. Cordelia supervised it all.

Bye bye, Yolanda

We got into daycare about three weeks ago, ended the nanny share, and sadly said good-bye to Yolanda, the girls' nanny . Here a few shots during the final week of Yolanda, Imogen, Cordelia, and Anais, the other the little girl in the share.

A routine morning of drawing.

Imogen and Anais have a little fun with tissue paper. Like you do.

Group shot of the original nanny share participants.

Getting a shot where two two year olds are looking and smiling at the camera is impossible.

Dilly practicing her sitting up skills.

Saying adios.

Dilly's 5 Month Photo Shoot

Yes, I know the posting date of this will be just short of Dilly's 6 month photo-shoot, but we wanted to get this one in nonetheless!

Here are Imogen and Jed walking through the Jefferson memorial, the site of Cordelia's 5 month photo shoot.

Tiffany's new favorite picture, and I cannot tell you why.

Its one of a series.

Tiffany and Dilly on Dilly's big day.

Tiffany and Cordelia sharing a moment in front of President Jefferson.

Jed and Dilly geting a little face time with the president as well.

Without further ado, the 5 month monument shot!

(we are getting so good at these!)

Lookin so regal on the steps of the Jefferson Memorial. (Yeah, she sits up by her self now!)

Looking across the tidal basin on a lovely fall morning.

The washington monument off in the distance (since the reflecting pool in front of lincoln is being repaired, this is the best reflecting pool in DC).

Iggy UP?!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin and Farm Time

We love the Fall here in this Bodger household and wanted to make sure to experience some fall festival fun at Butler Farms this year. Imogen loved visiting with the animals, sliding down the giant slides with Mom and Dad, and picking out pu'kins.

Playing the ball toss - next up is the carnival. This girl's got an arm and will score some loot!

Getting down at the chickens' level.

Funny pu'kins.

Feeling the need to air out a bit.

Dilly enjoying the sun.

Iggy waiting to go down on the giant slide with Dad.

Tractor pull time.

Photo op while still in the Moby wrap. Brilliant.

Attempted artsy gourd photo.

Imogen had her pick of pumpkins and picked the little one in her hand.

Some hottie I spotted while documenting Iggy's first pumpkin picking endeavor. I thought the baby was pretty cute too.

Attempted sister shot. Fail.

Dilly was not a fan of the pumpkins. She preferred Dad's arms.

Later that night, Imogen and Dad headed to the Caps' game for a little daddy/daughter hockey date.