Bodgers Bricks and Babies

My photo
Washington, D.C., United States
Wow. Have you ever tried to rebuild a house? Daunting. Have you ever tried to do it with two small kiddos? Now things are getting interesting!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


With the passing of Iggy's momentous six month birthday, we decided a post on Imogen's "firsts" would be fun.

First time she wished everyone a merry christmas.

First time she found her fingers

First time she rolled over from her tummy to back sometime in January (not the greatest video by any stretch of the imagination!).

First time she rolled over from back to front sometime in March.

Bouncing in her exer-saucer.

Sitting up by herself for an extended period of time (and being very excited about all the clothes on her changing table. Do I sense a diva in our midst?).

First time she tried solids. She hated the plain rice cereal.

She definitely preferred the taste of the pears.

Among the first times that Iggy decided to start traveling (backwards).

First time eating homemade baby food. She was not a huge fan of the green beans.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Profiles in Courage of Blog Readers - AUNT LINDA

So, we're starting a new feature ... "Profiles in courage of blog readers." This chronicles some of our most consistent readers, and profiles the courage that they show every time they open their web browser to the bodgers building bodgers website. Today, we showcase Aunt Linda!

Coincidentally enough, today is also Aunt Linda's birthday, so Happy 29th Birthday Aunt Linda! (That's Imogen waiving "happy birthday")

So, lets talk a little about Aunt Linda. She is an adventurous soul who has really lived a great life (so far, even better things to come we're sure!) She's lived from Portal North Dakota, Bellingham Washington, Canada, Cheyenne Wyoming, etc. She's been all over the map, pursuing a number of interesting careers, from being a musician, to a teacher, to a textile industry entrepreneur, and re-inventing herself all along the way. She currently lives in British Columbia Canada, and has developed a new love ... knitting. Before we talk about her new love, lets just bring you up to speed on her other love ... music. Linda is a fabulous musician, and she has used it to be both an artist, performing with a number of various ensembles and symphonies, playing just about anything that she could get her hands on, but excelling as a flautist.

Well, lately she has taken the same dedication it took to become a world class flute player and applied it to knitting. At the shop that she helps run (i think the shop is on bowen island, but I could use a little confirmation on that one) she even looms her own fabric. yeah, you read that right. WOW! That's just amazing.

Well, who was Aunt Linda before all of these amazing things made her who she is? Well, she was the first born of Bethel and Barbara Belcher (much like Ms. Imogen). She had nomadic parents who were always willing to pull up stakes and move for Grandpa Bethel's job (also much like Iggy). She had a mother who was fun, and sometimes forgetful (yet another trait she and Imogen share). She's had adventures, she's been a great mother to her kids (hi you two!) and she's been a fantastic aunt, but unparalleled to any of that, she has been a fantastic Aunt to Imogen. I can't even express how much fun it is to get emails, to see the beautiful things that she has made for Iggy (that is a hand knit blanket, with the most amazing hand done detail work we have ever seen. Just breathtaking)

or that she has sent to iggy (that is a "let them play Canada" hat promoting youth sports in the Great White North), or her embracing of stirrup fridays (i'm a size 13 shoe by the by).

All in all Tiffany and I just want to say Happy Birthday, and thank you for everything! It has been awesome, much appreciated, and more than necessary, but we love and cherish every minute of it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUNT LINDA our first PROFILE IN COURAGE OF READER!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


We have gradually been renovating the stairs since we first moved in. Ripping away the layers and decades from them. Upon closing on the house, we immediately ripped out the mauve carpeting which left laminate covered stairs and roughed up toe strips. These we attempted to stain but they didn't turn out quite right. We lived with the toe strips and laminate stain for about a year. Yuck. For the past few weeks, I decided to rip off the laminate, throw away the toe strips, sand the stairs down, and paint them. I think it's an improvement from their previous forms. Take a look:

Mauve carpet.

Carpeting be gone.

Nasty laminate that we attempted to stain. To very unsatisfactory results.

Laminate and toe plates left the building!

Time to sand them down.

Time for some stripes.

And, the finished product.

Yay! Finally.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


So, we were down by the tidal basin, and decided that we should throw the disc around a little bit.

Tiffany and I tossed the disc around while Imogen played in the grass.

She actually got to play a little as well in the arms of her dad. We had good times, but even better pictures.



Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Stir-Up Fridays

As many of you may know, Jed is attempting to start a movement, a movement which involves wearing stirup socks on Fridays. Why you might ask, well don't, you know Jed, he doesn't need a reason. Here are a couple photos for a little inspiration. Anyone who wants to get onboard with this look need only ask Bodge where to get them. He's got a guy who can hook you up too.

(Luckily, they don't make stirups in infant sizes, so the movement doesn't need to include the kiddo just yet.)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Six Months

Crazy business going on here in DC. Imogen just turned six months old. She passed her "well-baby" check-up with ease, weighing in at 15 pounds, height was 26 inches, and head circumfrence, well no one really cares about that one... She was at the 50% mark for all measurements, as the doctor put it, "she is perfect." We couldn't agree more.

Six months.

Six months. Holy camolee.

Well, our little girl just turned six months old.

Happy Semi-Annual Imogen.

So, as per our tradition, we took Iggy to a local monument and took her picture.

For the six month we chose the Jefferson memorial and had some fun taking pictures of her there.

Happy six month “birthday” Imogen!

Love Jed and Tiff

Mother's Day

This is late. There, I said it. Late or not, i want to take a minute and thank all the mothers. All mothers who read this blog, they do something special, and we (tiffany, imogen and I) really appreciate it. So, happy mothers day.

As for the mother in my house, i just wanted to thank tiffany for all she does, and all she is. She is fantastic, amazing (with a capital "A") and just plain awesome. Imogen and I couldn't be any luckier, and we are both super lucky to have her in our lives.

love jed

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Reno Trip

This is Jed. I forgot to publish this, but it's from when Imogen, then age 3 months, went out to visit two of the three sets of grandparents. Fun stuff!

Not enjoying tummy time at all.

Getting some love from the bagel and lox.

Deciding that tummy time actually isn't too bad with a little love.

Crashed out in the living room.

I wish I had more photos to share of Imogen's first trip to Reno but my iphone with a majority of my photos died in a terrible accident and all was lost. Here are few photos that I was able to recover from the iphone and the few I took on my regular camera.

Early morning bath time with Grandma Lulu/Noni (we're still trying to figure out her final name). Imogen had a hard time getting used to the time change.

The stare down.

Nothing like a little bottle to cap off a soothing bath.

Chillin with Aunt Bean

Who needs hands when you can pound it out with your feet.

Uncle Andy and Iggy bonding, and Charlie wanting to get in on the action.

Aunt Rach and Iggy and Chewy.

I just had to post this one. Vogue it up Irene.

Meeting Jen for the first time, who made a special, early trip to Beth's house to meet the little one before venturing out of town. Thanks, Jen!!

Enjoying the sights on our walk along the river.

It went from 70 and sunny to this in a matter of hours. (Granted it was the middle of February). Oh, Reno weather!